Mental Grammar –

I have a bit of an issue. I’m sure that several of you are making faces at the screen A bit?? Try several, you’re probably thinking. But come on guys, I’m being specific here!

Ok, Since you asked so nicely…here it is. My mind automatically types your speech into grammatically corrected sentences and paragraphs. Stop laughing, I’m being serious! 😉

You see, when people start speaking to me (usually only in person) my brain starts picking at the invisible keyboard, flashing words up behind my eyes as you speak. Text to type in an instant. The issue here is that I edit…a lot. As an author, bibliophile, and grammar geek, I automatically move words and phrases to where they should be. Which means that the compliment you give me containing a dangling participle and qualifiers…well it takes me a few seconds to remember that people don’t speak correctly, and I shouldn’t be offended by what you just said. I should really smile and be happy that you complimented me.

Most of the time I can ignore the flowing type, pay attention to your conversation, and smile at the correct intervals. I can laugh, snarl, and carry on with ease…but days like today when I have had little to no good sleep and a hyper toddler…it may take longer.

So please, don’t be offended at that face i just made. I was only trying to work through the odd conglomerate of words that you threw at me.

People don’t speak grammatically.

(Remember – if you want to find more of me, My works are available in paperback and e-reader versions @ 

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