Writer’s Quote Wednesday

Good February everyone!! Welcome to the first Writer’s Quote and #BeWOW Wednesday of the 2nd month of 2016. For more information on what we do each we, check out Silver Threading and RonovanWrites.

For the shortest month of the year, February sure seems to be packed full of all sorts of amazing things (Not the least of which are my 31st and my mother’s *ahem* day of birth celebrations :O ) So with that in mind, today’s quotes are going to center on something I seem to be having issues with this year…finding time!

As an author, a mother, a daughter, and a friend I often find myself without the ability to even make my own schedule. I run in between the lines, trying to find the time for anything I want to do inside and around the schedules of others. However, I keep trying even when I feel like breaking down and crying…and I keep trying BECAUSE positive-quote-confucius-600x600



8 thoughts on “Writer’s Quote Wednesday

  1. Silver Threading says:

    I love these quotes! How true is that? I am retired and I struggle to find all the time I want for writing! Kudos to you! Just don’t stop and be like the turtle… slow and easy wins the race! ❤

  2. Confucius quote is definitely my favorite of the bunch, and it’s so very true. Your speed does not matter as long as you are moving forward. Nothing wrong being a turtle, after all, slow and steady wins the race! 😉

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