Writer’s Quote Wednesday -Birthday Bash

Welcome back to Writer’s Quote Wednesday! This is a weekly get together across many blogs and hosted by the fabulous Silver Threading! Check out her blog for the week here and while you’re at it, check out the amazing Ronovan’s #BeWOW (Be Wonderful (or Writing) on Wednesdays) and see what that’s all about in this post. Silver and Ronovan joined forces and we like to Be Wonderful and Quote Writers all over the place on Wednesdays. 

Today would be Charles Lutwidge Dodgson’s 184th birthday and, since he wrote one of my favorite children’s books of all time I thought I would take today to share some quotes from a great author…better known as Lewis Carroll. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass inspire creativity, self acceptance, and a love of strangeness. The Mad Hatter has long been one of my favorite literary characters and the quotes I’ve chosen for you today share that oddness and whimsy that translates into lyrical sentences and happy times. They always remind me that I am an author, a creator, and a fairy tale of swirling words waiting to be written down!

Without further ado…welcome to the wonderful, whimsical, writing world of Lewis Carroll:


This quote is handy for authors, I think of it all the time as I write and try to make sure my audience has room for their imaginations. 


selfish actions tend to make us feel poorly in the end…but things we can enjoy with or for others make life a little sweeter every day. 


If you wrote a sentence, read a page, ran an errand, or even just washed the dishes, you’ve come farther than you know! Every day, every action,very choice, every breath…look how far you’ve come. 


Write the story, live the story, go kiss that crush you’ve been aiming for..whatever. 

Finally, these two speak for themselves. We are, each of us, something amazing and unique. Don’t worry about the differences, celebrate them!

Sunset and Inspiration

I did try to edit this video so that everything turned the proper way…unfortunately I don’t know enough about video editing yet to have done a really good job. If you can ignore the fact that I’m sideways, however, I think the content is pretty solid. Especially since I got the idea and recorded on the spur of the moment without an outline or much of an inkling as to what I would say.

In this video I mention my first novel, Dragon on My Neck. During this month (December 2015) my books will all be available for free e-book download, at various points, through my amazon author’s page so be sure to check those out as well. The 4th book in The Stone Dragon Saga will be available sometime during the first few months of 2016 so now is great time to get caught up on the story thus far!

Next time I’ll try to do a better job of watching camera angles!


Scratch Paper

I enjoy seeing all of the different ways that my students fill their scratch paper for math testing. Some go top left to top right, then on to the next row. Some start in the upper left hand corner, go down to the lower left hand corner, then proceed across, up, back, etc. creating an ‘L’, ‘square’ and/or maze of numbers.

Some begin in the center and work their way out. Some even create giant pictograms with their equations (the most popular seems to be a smiley face!).

I have never doubted the creativity needed for writing, but then I’ve always considered myself both to be creative and to be an author. Science…well scientists HAVE to be creative to discover the war to discovery.

Reading broadens the spectrum of imagination and knowledge…helping to create creativity. But I never saw the ‘logical’ practices as being particularly creative (or logical really) until now.

Maybe my students are just that amazing. Either way, the extreme creativity that can be found within even the ‘strictly’ logical practices is beginning to astound me!