Leonard the Lemur

Our new Picture Books – Leonard the Lemur – is OUT!!! Beginning tomorrow (Tuesday April 12th) and going until Thursday (April 14th) the Kindle version of Leonard will be available for free. Please feel free to grab the book!

If you do, please remember to leave a review or comment telling me what you think.

Thank you! Have a great week.


Dragons for Christmas:

When to grab your FREE e-copies of ESTyree’s Stone Dragon Saga

(And other works)


Dragon on My Neck – First in the Stone Dragon Saga

Free from Monday, December 7stht thru Friday, December 11th


Dragon in My Yard – Second in the Stone Dragon Saga

Free from Saturday, December 12th – Wednesday, December 16th


Dragon on the Green – Third in the Stone Dragon Saga

Free from Thursday, December 17th – Monday, December 21st


Short Story Sundays – Book 1 in the Short Story Supposition (Compilations)

Free from Tuesday, December 22nd – Wednesday, December 23rd


Summer Sundays – Book 2 in the Short Story Supposition (Compilations)

Free from Thursday, December 24th – Friday, December 25th

Tales from the Dying Grass – Book 3 in the Short Story Supposition (Compilations)

Free from Saturday, December 26th – Sunday, December 27th

Little Monster – By Binky Bo Tyree

Free from Monday, December 29th – Tuesday, December 30th

*Free*Short Stories

I just wanted to let you guys know that two of my short story compilations are free for Today (November 17th) and Tomorrow (November 18th)

Short Story Sundays is the first in the Short Story Supposition series. I challenged myself to write one short story a week in the year 2014. Ray Bradbury said you could not write 52 bad ones in a row…I was either going to prove him right or terribly wrong! Most of these short stories are also archived on my blog, but I compiled them into 4 month segments…the final book having not been released as of yet.


Short Story Sundays includes such stories as The Fixer Upper: you may be fixing the house but is it changing you too?, The Cat/The Yarn: have you ever thought about that game from a different perspective?, and Leaving: A young woman’s struggle to get on the train. 

Summer Sundays is the second compilation of the Short Story Supposition series. The stories contained in this book were written in the hot sunshine of May, June, July, and August 2014.

summer Sundatys

Including stories like The Inscription, a story about a a book changing lives, Mad Monday: a teacher makes important decisions with homonyms, and Trees, the story of a little jealousy and a lot of tree hugging genius, Summer Sundays is a quick read to delight your many moods.


*I typically don’t warn you about things with these give aways…but the formatting on Summer Sundays has been a problem for me. Some of the e-readers showcase it perfectly and some of them have the stories smashed together in an almost unrecognizable rush. I am working on it, but for this give away the changes will not have taken affect. Thank you!*


I am so proud and excited to announce that the picture book I’ve been gushing about for the past few months is finally available on Kindle! Launching this morning, Little Monster by Binky Bo Tyree is a fun, simple, and gorgeously illustrated picture book that people of all ages can enjoy. DSC09935

The story, originally told in classic oral tradition by my then-2-yr-old to her baby dolls, is short, sweet, and to the point while the illustrations, gorgeously drawn out by the author’s multi-talented Gaga, tell the full story in a fun and bright manner.

Little Monster offers a sweet look at a day in the life of a Little Monster, allowing readers to see the inter-play between great illustrations and a silly, fun story line while still leaving plenty of room for the imagination. Currently only available in e-book format, the folks at Tyree Tomes are working diligently to fix a glitch and get the physical copy up and ready for order A.S.A.P. In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy the e-reader version. Don’t worry, Binky Bo is already hard at work writing up a new adventure for her Little Monster, though those baby dolls of hers are a tough audience to please!


Binky Bo is hard at work on a sequel already

A Closer Look – FREE Book

Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Do you enjoy hair splitting ideas and passages? Are you, in any way, striving to be more scholarly? More Spiritual? Better read? Then today is your lucky day, my friend!

james cover

Dr. Tyree’s newest spiritual offering, a study on the Biblical book of James, is currently racing off the virtual shelves at the low low cost of…FREE. From now until Friday, October 9th (2015) you can download your own free e-copy of this new, in depth look at the Letter of James, the brother of Jesus, to the Jewish Christians he cared for.

This book is described as a discussion of James’ words and his call to both the ancient and modern Christian.

As Dr. Tyree says: Jacob Bar Joseph, known to the modern reader as James, the Lord’s brother, was an amazing leader and catalyst in the earliest days of the christian church at Jerusalem. Standing beside men like Peter and James and John Zebedee, he became one of the most influential figures in the growing movement. His letter to Jewish Christians -scattered by persecution and separated by countless miles – shows a man of dedication and strength. His words ring true across the ages and cultural divides and call the modern believer to faithfulness and action.

What are you waiting for? Go download your free copy today…I know he’s looking forward to your comments, questions, and debates!

The Passing of the Sabbath

Are you a person who enjoys learning? Do you like Biblical subjects? Are you always on the alert for free books? Then have I got a deal for YOU!

Dr. Wilson Jay Tyree, Biblical scholar, Minister, and Professor of Biblical Studies, is hosting a free e-book giveaway of The Passing of the Sabbath through Wednesday of this week.

This book is a brief history of the observance of Sabbath and quite the interesting read.

Share the Love Extravaganza

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In honor of my tiny Monkey’s day of birth celebration (She’s 3 today!!!!) I am doing my annual Share the Love give away. Today (Sunday, August 23, 2015) through Wednesday (August 26, 2015) ALL of my available e-books are either on deep rebate with the Kindle Countdown Deal (Dragon on My Neck is .99 cents until FRIDAY guys!) or FREE (that’s everything else…5/6 of my e-books. Free. Right Now.)

What does this mean for you? Well…it means you get good books at great prices. How can you beat FREE?

If you spend the buck to download Dragon on My Neck and download the other two Stone Dragon Saga books for free, that means you’ve just spent .33 cents per book instead of $4 per book. If you download all 6 books, The Stone Dragon Saga three AND the three Short Story Supposition compilations, that means you’ve just gotten 6 books for approximately .17 cents a book.

Yeah that’s right, I just did the math. BOOM. I feel very proud of myself right now…and yes that is just a little sad. 

Still not quite sure if you want to go to all that effort just for a few free pages? Well answer these for me. Yes or No will do:

  1. Do you enjoy fantasy stories?
  2. Do you enjoy adventure?
  3. Do you enjoy a mystery?
  4. Are you fond of dragons and/or fairies?
  5. Do like a sassy lead?
  6. Do you enjoy a smart baddie?
  7. Are you busy but love to read?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a story in one of my books that you will love. I don’t know which question you answered yes to and I’m even sassier than my amazing characters (they told me to call them that….) so I’ll leave it up to you to discover. But I promise you, there’s something in there for you. I know, because I wrote it just for you…

And to sweeten the deal for you, or just so I can walk down Nostalgia Lane, here are a few pictures from 3 years ago. Each of these pictures of a weird little bald headed gnome are from the first week of her life. Don’t worry, she finally grew some hair in over this past 6 months or so.

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Big brother watching over the Monkey. He used to nudge the swing when it slowed down until I came to wind it back up. Now he just lays around and waits for her to feed him.

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Summer Sundays

My short story compilation, Summer Sundays, is FREE for ebook download for the next 3 days. You can find it HERE. Tomorrow the other 2 short story compilation books will be free as well. You can find them Here and Here.

These books are full of stories that span genres, but they are all meant to be a quick, fun read for the audience. As such, my short stories are all short shorts, most only taking up a page or two in the book. I hope you find something (or many things) to enjoy!

Monsoon McKreel

Dr. Wilson Jay Tyree’s beautifully written picture book, Monsoon McKreel and the Rose is available for FREE Kindle download today and tomorrow. 

Go learn from a cute parable about self esteem, and enjoy the illustrations from Mrs. Becky Tyree as you go! This book is suitable for people of all ages as you discover the importance of self esteem and of building each other up!